
100 Villes de par le monde contre la LAPIDATION

downloadedfile-2Appel à manifestation devant le Palais de Justice, Place Poelaert à Bruxelles, ce samedi 28 août 2010 à 13 heures

A l’initiative du Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique et du Vrouwenraad, et la participation des organisations suivantes:
ABVV, ACLI Vlaanderen Vrouwencoördinatie, ACLVB-Vrouwenwerking, ACV, Amnesty International, ASGB, Business and Professionnal Women – Belgium (BPW-Belgium), CD&V Vrouw en Maatschappij, Centre d’Action Laïque (CAL), Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif ( CCLJ), Centre Féminin d’Education Permanente, Comité de Liaison des Femmes, Conseil des Femmes Juives de Belgique (CFJB/LJVB ), Dar al Amal, « 1 homme 1 femme » (ECOLO), Forum van Vlaamse Vrouwengroepen (FVV), Raad van de Afrikaanse Gemeenschappen-Vlaanderen, Groupe pour l’abolition des mutilations sexuelles (GAMS Belgique), GROEN !, Femmes Prévoyantes socialistes  (F.P.S), Femmes Réformatrices (MR), Femmes et Société (CDH), FGTB- ABVV, Fédération WIZO België-Luxemburg, FLORA, Groupement belge de la Porte Ouverte, Humanistisch – Vrijzinnige Vereniging (HVV), Liberale Vrouwen, K.A.V Vrouwen in Bewegen, KVLV- Vrouwen met vaart, Insoumise et Dévoilée, Marche Mondiale des Femmes -Wereldvrouwenmars, Medical Women’s Association of Belgium (M.W.A.Be), Monde selon les Femmes, Moeders voor Vrede, Ni Putes ni Soumises, Plura, Réseau d’Action pour la Promotion d’un Etat laïque (R.A.P.P.E.L), Réseau de Femmes immigrées et d’origine étrangère, Université des Femmes, Sophia, SLFP, Soroptimist International-Belgique, Synergie Wallonie pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes, Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen (UVV) VIVA, V.O.K, Zonta International, Zij-Kant – sociaal progressieve Vrouwenbeweging, la Zaïroise et ses soeurs, ‘ZIJN’ Beweging tegen Geweld vzw
Nous, citoyen(ne)s et militant(e)s associatifs, féministes, laïques, engagé-e-s dans la lutte pour le droit des femmes, nous nous joignons à la protestation internationale contre la lapidation et rejoingnons ainsi l’action des « 100 Villes de par le monde contre la LAPIDATION »!

Nous appelons les membres de nos associations, ainsi que toutes les organisations à nous rejoindre pour dénoncer le sort réservé à ces milliers de femmes qui souffrent au quotidien et qui sont victimes de pratiques inadmissibles.

La campagne internationale pour sauver Sakineh Ashtiani de la lapidation a mis en lumière devant le monde ce barbare et criminel châtiment. Aujourd’hui le nom de Sakineh est connu par des millions de gens, alors que son cas n’est que le reflet de celui des milliers de femmes qui souffrent victimes de l’obscurantisme.

C’est pourquoi devant le Palais de Justice nous appellerons les manifestant-e-s à bâtir un mur de protection contre la lapidation.

Rejoignez-nous ce samedi 28 août devant le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles de 13h à 14h.

10 commentaires

  • Taheri

    Son reports mock execution of mother, sentenced to stoning in Iran
    Publish date: September 01.2010

    Sakineh Mohammadi

    Son of the Iranian woman sentenced to stoning reported that her mother was subjected to a mock execution by Tabriz Prison authorities and is now under severe psychological strain.

    British daily Guardian reports that Sajjad Ghaderi, son of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani said that Tabriz prison authorities told her mother that her execution sentence would be carried out the following day. She reportedly wrote her will and bid her inmates farewell but the sentence was not carried out.

    Ghaderi maintained that her mother is now suffering form grave psychological strain and she is now denied all contact with her family and attorney.

    According to Ghaderi, prison authorities have been punishing Mohammadi Ashtiani because of the international outcry against her case.

    On Saturday, demonstrations and gatherings were organized in one hundred cities around the world to protest Mohammadi Ashtiani’s sentence.

    The 43-year-old mother of two, was sentenced to 99 lashes for having an “illicit relationship outside marriage” in 2006. Later another court reviewed her case after her husband was murdered. She was acquitted of the murder charge but found guilty of adultery for which she was sentenced to death by stoning.

    Now Sajjad Ghaderi reports that the authorities claim that the murder file of his father has been lost and says: “They are lying about the charges against my mother. She was acquitted of my father’s murder but the government is fabricating another story against her.”

    Last week, the home of Mohammadi Ashtiani’s attorney, Houtan Kian was raided by plainclothes forces and documents linked to her case were stolen.

    Ghaderi maintains that now all documents regarding her acquittal of the murder charge have been destroyed so that all the contradictions of the case may be covered.

    One of the weaknesses of the case has been that no one has been identified as the person Mohammadi is supposed to have had illicit relations with.

    Sajjad Ghaderi stressed that her mother’s life depends on the international pressure and expressed certainty that without it, her mother would have been executed by now.
    copyright @

    September 1, 2010
    Murder Files Missing, Concern About Altering Files
    Open Letter from Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani’s Son
    Shirin Karimi

    In an open letter to human rights activists Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani’s son Sajjad Ghaderzadeh asserted that his father’s murder files were missing and expressed concern about the possibility of a setup through which evidence had been planted and files were altered. Sakineh received international attention recently because of her stoning sentence that was on the verge of execution.

    He provided the letter to Rooz for publication, and asked, “Why do they extract false confessions from my mother by force and broadcast them? Why have they prevented my mother from seeing her attorney or us since then? Is it not because signs of torture are still visible on her body and they do not want any witnesses? Are they delaying visitations until the signs are healed? Why do they plant false evidence against my mother? Why do they open a case that was previously closed? Why have my father’s murder files gone missing? Why do they not allow my mother’s case to proceed normally like any another case?”

    Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is 45 years old woman and has been behind bars in a Tabriz prison since 2006.

    Initially after her first trial she was sentenced to 90 lashes by a criminal court in the city of Osku for adultery. But after the punishment was carried out, another court in the Azerbaijan Sharghi province reopened the case of Mrs Mohammadi’s husband’s murder case and sentenced Sakineh Mohammadi to stoning for adultery. This sentence has been suspended due to wide international protests. Today, despite the suspension, her fate remains unknown and precarious.

    Following is the full text of Sajjad Ghaderzadeh’s open letter, addressed to “human rights defenders across the universe”:

    I, Sajjad Ghaderzadeh, am at awe about judiciary officials. Because he participated in a lawful interview, the defense attorney who represented us in the past (Mr. Mohammad Mostafaei), has been forced to flee the country, and leave his home and property behind, in order to protect his own life. Now, Mr. Houtan Kian is under the most extreme police and psychological pressure, and subjected to the harshest threats and summons for revealing unlawful elements related to our mother’s case.

    Why do they extract false confessions from my mother by force and broadcast them? Why have they prevented my mother from seeing her attorney or us since then? Is it not because signs of torture are still visible on her body and they do not want any witnesses? Have they delayed visitations until the signs are healed? Why do they plant false evidence against my mother? Why do they open a case that was previously closed? Why have my father’s murder files gone missing? Why do they not allow my mother’s case to proceed normally like any another case? We are truly disappointed that we were born in the Islamic Republic; and that we were abandoned by our own family after the sham show on the Islamic Republic’s television; and that we are forced to tolerate this life of humiliation. Life killed us¾death, where are you?

    Sajjad Ghaderzadeh

  • taheri

    Mohammad Mostafavi`s family, human rights lawyer and file stoning Sakineh Mohammadi joined him in Norway. Wife and daughter of Mr. Mostafavi on Thursday second September enterned to Norway with a tourist visa. Fereshteh Halim, wife of Mr. Mostafavi in this video said that she is so happy to join her husband, but worries about the future and not sure how long that will stay in Norway.

  • maryam taheri

    Faisons vibrer le coeur de Bruxelles
    Pour que batte le coeur de Sakineh

    Manifestation de soutien ce samedi 18 septembre 2010
    Rassemblement à 10h30
    Place du Luxembourg (1050 Bruxelles)

    organise par Amnesty International,
    groupes parlementaires du Parlement Européen
    et le Magazine de l` infirmiere Phrancophone(infimag).

    Merci pour votre soutiens et paricipations

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